WASHINGTON, DC – After scores of people were killed and wounded during a chaotic aid delivery Thursday in Gaza City, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, condemned the incident and said it offers further proof that the level of humanitarian aid flowing into Gaza is insufficient.  Senator Reed backed the Biden Administration’s move to use U.S. military assets to airdrop more assistance, such as food, water, and medical supplies, into the war-torn city.

Reed stated:

“We don’t yet have all the information about yesterday’s tragic incident.  But clearly not enough humanitarian aid is getting through to innocent civilians.  President Biden is right to order these airdrops and provide immediate assistance where it is sorely needed.

“Israel was brutally attacked on October 7th and I stand with the Israeli people as they degrade and defeat the threat from Hamas. However, tragic incidents like yesterday show that the Netanyahu government must do more to protect innocent life and increase humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza.  Not only is it the right thing to do morally, it’s in Israel’s best strategic interests.  The fact that the United States, working in concert with the Jordanians and other close allies and partners must take this step, only further demonstrates that the way this war is being prosecuted must immediately change course.”