WASHINGTON, DC -- Ahead of a Saturday deadline, the U.S. Senate today came together and voted 77-18 to pass legislation to avoid a federal government shutdown and keep the government open as Congress continues its work on appropriations bills.  If the U.S. House of Representatives approves the measure, which is expected, it will extend current federal spending and keep the government open until early March.

The short-term spending measure, known as a continuing resolution (CR), comes after a bipartisan spending agreement was reached last week on fiscal year 2024 appropriations levels. 

U.S. Senator Jack Reed voted to keep the government open and working for the people, but says infighting by House Republicans must not prevent Congress from doing its job and passing responsible, full-year appropriations measures to effectively fund the government.

“Some MAGA extremists are fuming, but responsible members of both parties came together to prevent a costly, wasteful shutdown.  This action buys lawmakers more time and that time must be used wisely and productively to hammer out comprehensive, bipartisan, year-long appropriations measures.  Congress needs to listen to the American people and pass bills that deliver for hard-working families and address a host of issues -- from strengthening our economy to improving public schools to lowering health costs, and more,” said Senator Reed.  “I am committed to working with my colleagues to enact responsible, forward-looking appropriations bills that invest in the American people and our national priorities.”

This CR is the third short-term patch passed by this Congress and comes amid negotiations on a separate emergency national security funding package for Ukraine, Israel, and other national security priorities. 

Yesterday, Senator Reed and other key Congressional leaders met with President Biden at the White House to discuss that stalled emergency funding package.  Reed is the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a senior member of the Appropriations Committee.

Now that it has passed the U.S. Senate, the CR is expected to clear under suspension of the rules in the U.S. House of Representatives with bipartisan support.  It may then be sent to President Biden’s desk to be signed into law.