PROVIDENCE, RI -- Today, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI), a West Point graduate and the Ranking Member of the Armed Services Committee, condemned President Trump’s language deriding members of the Armed Forces, fallen U.S. service members, and veterans.

While President Trump denied much of the details from a report in the Atlantic that he called fallen American soldiers “losers” and “suckers” and asked staff that disabled veterans be excluded from military parades, Senator Reed noted that President Trump has been caught on tape on multiple occasions insulting veterans, POWs, Americans with disabilities, and active duty troops who were wounded in battle.

“President Trump has denied saying a few of these things, but there is no denying his pettiness.  He has certainly disparaged members of our Armed Forces who’ve dedicated their lives to serving others.  He has verbally insulted Gold Star families, attacked the memories of courageous POWs like John McCain, derided men of honor like General Mattis, and played down the severity of trauma and wounds suffered by our deployed troops.  Donald Trump has no understanding or meaningful regard for those who have rendered distinguished military service in war and peace.  All of that is well established.  You don’t need secondhand accounts because some of the comments occurred with cameras or microphones recording.

“President Trump’s toxic brand of so-called leadership has done serious, lasting damage to the U.S. military.  He has broken faith with our troops and sought to misuse the military for his own partisan agenda.  He has taken money away from needed military projects and diverted it to his ineffective border wall.  He seems intent on making it difficult for members of the U.S. military who are stationed overseas to exercise their right to vote.  The list goes on.

“It will take years to repair the damage President Trump has inflicted on the United States military.

“No one should condone the way Donald Trump insults people who gave their last full measure defending our nation.  He degrades the sacred obligations of the office he’s been entrusted with.”