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The men and women of the RI National Guard are dedicated professionals with a desire to serve our state and nation. They, and their fellow National Guard members across the country, are now serving on the front lines of the response to this pandemic and providing critical support to states across the country.

I saw that the RI National Guard has been activated.  What does this mean?

The National Guard was originally activated in April of 2020 under 32 U.S.C. §502(f) to perform humanitarian missions across the state during the COVID-19 crisis. This means that these soldiers and airmen have been activated in response to a federal mission, while remaining under the control, direction, and authority of the Governor. It also means that federal funds will cover many of the costs for the National Guard’s COVID-19 response in Rhode Island. I am pleased that the President has extended has extended the use of Title 32 status to December 31, 2021 which will allow these soldiers and airmen to receive their full active duty benefits, including access to TRICARE and credit towards retirement.

You can learn more about the National Guard’s COVID-19 response HERE.

What did the CARES Act do for the National Guard?

The CARES Act authorized $1.4 billion for National Guard deployments in response to the pandemic.  This level of funding is enough to sustain up to 20,000 members of the Guard for six months.

You can learn more about the National Guard’s COVID-19 response HERE.