WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the U.S. Senate fell one short vote of breaking a Republican filibuster to advance U.S. Senator Jack Reed’s legislation to renew unemployment insurance (UI), help strengthen our economy, and assist 1.7 million long-term unemployed Americans as they search for work. 

According to a score by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Reed’s short-term bill to renew UI would reduce the deficit by $1.2 billion.  It would also help put more people back to work and bolster consumer demand at a critical moment.  CBO also estimates that renewing unemployment insurance for one full year will help save 200,000 jobs.  According to estimates by the House Ways and Means Committee, nearly 6,000 Rhode Islanders have had their UI cut off since December 28 and it has drained nearly $10 million from the state’s economy.

After the vote, Reed made the following statement at a press conference in the U.S. Capitol, where he vowed to continue working to help create jobs, improve our economy, and assist job seekers who have had their UI cut:

“I am deeply disappointed and frustrated because obstruction trumped sound economic policy.

“But my frustration and disappointment was nothing compared to the 1.74 million Americans who would have preferred that this Senate move forward and advance an extension of unemployment insurance.

“This was an opportunity to provide real relief to these Americans.

“Now I must say, some of my colleagues on the other side have been thoughtful and helpful in trying to incorporate ideas.  But the vast majority of my Republican colleagues just ignored those 1.74 million Americans today, they turned their back on job seekers.

“People are hurting.  They all know it.  We all know it.  But we couldn’t get that one last vote.  We’re not going to give up.  We’re going to try again.  Because the concerns of the American people deserve our efforts to continue.

“In one respect, Republicans are basically downsizing critical assistance for those who’ve already been downsized. 

“And they can’t claim it was in the name of fiscal responsibility because this legislation was a deficit reducer – fully paid for and in addition reduces the deficit.

“We compromised on the size, scope, duration, the pay-for.  We added provisions they sought.  But every time we said yes, we got ‘no.’  The Republican leadership was not conducive to trying to find a path forward.  But individual colleagues helped significantly: Senator Heller, Senator Ayotte, Senator Collins, Senator Murkowski are deeply appreciated

“As Senator Durbin said earlier, Republicans are becoming the shutdown caucus: shut down the government, shut down UI, shut down everything.

“We will move forward.  We are committed to helping these Americans who have earned this assistance.

“I want to thank the Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid.  He has dedicated an incredible amount of time and effort to do this.  Because he understands how important this is to the American people.

“And then finally, I think we have to disabuse the notion that some Republicans suggest that this program is somehow “immoral” or rewards weak character.  These are people who are struggling.  My experience in Rhode Island is a lot of them are middle aged Americans who have worked for 30 years and this is the first time they have ever been unemployed and they are looking desperately for jobs.  There is 3 applicants for every opening.  They are trying to balance taking care of their parents who are elderly and taking care of their children who are college age and beyond.  And they are struggling and I hope we can recognize their struggles and help them.

“Now, the bottom line here is emergency assistance for those who are in distress, but to also get the economy moving again.  To create jobs.  We’ve talked about restoring our manufacturing, getting capital to local small businesses, improving our schools and workforce training.

“We can and must do those things.  Because ultimately when you talk to people who are on UI and lost their benefits they will tell you: ‘Yes I need these benefits, but I really want a job.’

“And that is our mission.  But today, the immediate crisis, the immediate challenge is helping these people.  Today we came close, but close doesn’t count we’ve got to come back and prevail and help these people.

“And with that, let me call on Senator Jean Shaheen.”
